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Climate Fiction for Climate Action

Chicago Review of Books

The End of the Ocean is Norwegian author Maja Lunde’s second in a quartet of novels about how climate change and ecological destruction is reshaping the planet and human life as we know it. Like the first novel in the series, A History of Bees, this glittering book follows multiple generations.

In the present day we meet Signe, a seventy-year-old woman who’s traversing the ocean in only a sailboat, seeking to reconnect with the love of her life. Flash forward twenty some years, and we meet two other people who are sailing the ocean for a very different reason: David, and his daughter, Lou, are refugees fleeing from a climate-ravaged Southern Europe. Their homeland has wilted in drought and become fractured by war. On their journey they discover Signe’s ancient sailboat, and their respective journeys become entwined in ways that no one could have predicted.

The novel (translated by…

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The Cli-Fi Report

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Reviews from unexpected sources

I just tweeted this. Do you use twitter? Useful for book PR. I can help. I am in Asia since 1991. Find me @verywindycities

Padma and the Elephant Sutra

Firstly, a word with my sponsors. A big thank you to the 36 readers who chose to download my eBook giveaway yesterday. I hope you enjoy the read, and do consider writing a review. If you are uneasy at the prospect , don’t worry, one line reviews are perfectly fine.

Reviews are treasure we authors seek. Validation? Sales prospects? Credibility? They are like little nuggets of gold, found after a long spell of seemingly fruitless panning. Certainly in my case. But then I am a bit old fashioned/stubborn/naive? and want honest reviews from genuine sources. It seems there are so many ways to play the system, and I understand why people want to get their voice heard above the crowd. Even yesterday, an author messaged me asking if I would like to take part in ‘three-way reviews’ as ‘Amazon do not allow author swaps’. I deleted it.

I am hard…

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Why Climate Fiction Matters: An Interview with Malcolm Sen


Chicago Review of Books

burning worldsBurning Worlds is Amy Brady’s monthly column dedicated to examining trends in climate change fiction, or “cli-fi.”

According to NASA, 2016 was the hottest year on record since scientists began recording global temperatures in 1880. And scientists agree, despite the small number of squawking climate-change deniers who argue otherwise, that global warming is due to human activity—and that our future looks bleak if we don’t find a way to reduce our collective carbon footprint.

Global warming isn’t new, of course. Scientists have been tracking it for decades, and since at least the mid-twentieth century, fiction writers have responded to our global climate crisis in literary form. This monthly column, “Burning Worlds,” was created to discuss “climate change fiction” and explore its social and artistic relevance. Our readers’ response has been swift and wholly positive, but there’s one question I’m continually asked: Why should literature matter when it comes…

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I’ve been reading science fiction since the mid 1960s.  Some of the books and short stories I’ve enjoyed have dealt with the the intersection of sci-fi and the Earth’s climate. This genre has been labeled climate fiction or “cli-fi”.

One very quaint early example comes to mind, Jules Verne’s The Purchase of the North Pole. The sovereign rights to a portion of the Arctic region are purchased by mathematician J.T. Maston and members of the Baltimore Gun Club who traveled around the Moon inside of a large cannon shell.  The company planned to use the recoil of a gigantic cannon to adjust the tilt of Earth’s axis to enable the spin to be perpendicular to Earth’s orbit, similar to that of Jupiter.

The company had a dubious goal. There would be no more seasons, so each region would have a steady climate.  The conspirators envisioned easier, lucrative mining of coal deposits…

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